Total | 0.00 ZAR |
Discount | 0.00 ZAR |
Vat | 0.00 ZAR |
Grand Total | 0.00 ZAR |

At this time, we are unable to split a single order to ship to multiple locations. If you require items to be shipped to different addresses, please place individual orders for each destination. This will ensure that your items are processed and shipped efficiently to each specified location. If you need assistance with placing multiple orders or have any other shipping queries, our Customer Service team is here to help.
We offer a 14-day return policy for items after delivery. Should you choose to return a product, we aim to process your refund within 2 business days. To be eligible for a return, items must be accompanied by the original product box and packing, which should not be damaged. All accompanying accessories, promotional gifts, and the invoice must also be returned undamaged and complete. Adherence to this policy ensures a smooth and efficient refund process.
The protection of your personal information is paramount. We employ advanced hashing techniques and secure encoding of data to protect sensitive information. For credit card payments, we use trusted and internationally recognized payment gateways, providing you with a secure and reliable transaction process every time you shop with us.