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Regardless of the purpose for which it is used, one of the more important elements of a vehicle's speeding ability is the braking quality of the vehicle. In this sense, braking distance and stopping ability are more important factors as a requirement of the 'safety' principle rather than the movement and comfort of the vehicle. Brake systems, which have a large share in preventing the loss of life and property of both the driver and the people around the vehicle, have recently been highly developed, many brake systems and mechanisms have been actively used in vehicles, manufactured and their spare parts and materials have begun to be sold.
The braking systems of all vehicles produced or in traffic today work with a mechanism known as 'hydraulic'. This system is also used in the steering wheel of many vehicles. Hydraulic brake systems, one of the most effective brake systems, come to life with the use of hydraulic oils. These oil products have some limitations, these oil levels should be checked for a short distance braking opportunity. However, in some cases, the lack of these oils or their decrease due to various factors can cause serious accidents.
What is the Importance of Hydraulic Oils in Brake Systems?
The operating logic of the brake systems in all auto spare parts dealers serving in the field of industry is hydraulic. The reason for this is the advantages of hydraulic oils in all brake systems. All of the brake systems work thanks to hydraulic oils, among the spare part products offered for sale at reasonable prices, especially the OEM spare part products, which are known by the name of original parts and known in this way. Hydraulic oils, which enable brake systems to work faster and more safely, are also known as industrial oils.
These oils apply high pressure to the pads on the wheels when the driver presses the brake pedal. As a result of this pressure, the movement of the wheels is prevented and the vehicle can be stopped easily and safely in a short time. However, in some cases, due to the discharge of these hydraulic oils, the required pressure cannot be applied to the pads. This opens the door for the vehicle to either stop at a long-distance or not stop at all. As a result of this, accidents that end with death and injuries may occur, and monetary and internal losses may occur.
What Should Be Considered When Using Hydraulic Oils in Brake Systems?
In our country, hydraulic oils of brake systems must be changed at least once a year for the safety of vehicle drivers. It is necessary to regularly check the level of hydraulic oils, hoses, and mechanisms in the brake systems of vehicles. During these processes, it is very important to choose hydraulic oils suitable for the brands and models of the vehicles. The use of hydraulic oils and products with properties that are not suitable for a vehicle will cause great damage to both the vehicle's brake system and other mechanisms in the long run. In this sense, the recommendation of the vehicle manufacturer should not be exceeded in the selection of hydraulic oils.
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